Most of the soil in south GA is sandy. similar to FL. Not much, if any CW activity. Some Creek indian sites. Campsites around any creek, river, or especially around any cypress pond. South GA is a realy big area, not enough info to give any decent advice except expect targets to be deep.
There are a few areas of clay outcropping but not many. I am more fimiliar with SW GA.
I'd try to locate sites of old drive-in theaters, baptizing sites at local creeks. Maybe some parks, churchyards, or private yards would be the best bet. There were a few Seminole war sites but I have never been to one, skeeters and snakes this time of year... and yellowflies all around the creeks... no yellowflies for me thank you!!
I wuld not even think about CW relics in S GA. You may be able to locate the site of an old one room schoolhouse but if it were me I would play up the military and ask for permission at old homes in town and at churches. Being a soldier will open some doors for you. Your time is limited so old homesites are your best bet, possibly old farmhouse sites. Confederate soldiers had to come home to somewhere.
What town are you going to be in?