Well, decided to go out for a couple of hours today after the work was done early this morning.
I went back to the place I hit a couple days back where I also got some newer silver. I was able to add 2 more Silvers to this years count. I also got my first one of a kind Lie Detector charm on a bracelet LOL.
Got some wheat's the oldest a 20 and the usual junk.
Next time, I will go further out into the yard. I have only really looked close to the house and cannot complain about all the finds I have made from there.
Here are today's keepers as dug.
[attachment 227802 0327126.jpg] [attachment 227803 0327127.jpg] [attachment 227804 0327125.jpg]
Hope everyone has a great week.
I went back to the place I hit a couple days back where I also got some newer silver. I was able to add 2 more Silvers to this years count. I also got my first one of a kind Lie Detector charm on a bracelet LOL.
Got some wheat's the oldest a 20 and the usual junk.
Next time, I will go further out into the yard. I have only really looked close to the house and cannot complain about all the finds I have made from there.
Here are today's keepers as dug.
[attachment 227802 0327126.jpg] [attachment 227803 0327127.jpg] [attachment 227804 0327125.jpg]
Hope everyone has a great week.