Well-known member
I have never used anything but Park 1, always noise cancel, then Auto GB by accepting everything and finding a clean/clean-ish piece of ground and pumping the coil till it settles on a number...usually anywhere from 15-55. I’m always looking for deeper and older coins ONLY so I hate to limit the Sensitivity, normally keeping it between 18-22. Volume Gain is 25 in my 5 tone high bin, the lower stuff I keep low toned and low individual volumes. Main volume usually 20-22....I cannot find SH*T!! Can someone point me to a video or ten that shows successful deep coin hunting in a park, school or fairground environment? I’m talking coins that are 7”+, shallower than that does me no good anywhere I hunt. I only have the stock coil, but it is fairly rare(5-10% of targets) that the depth meter ever goes to 4 shovels deep, which is obviously 8”. EVERYTHING seems to indicate 3 shovels, but then it’s really 4-5” deep and always clad. I had a bit of success with it last fall but it’s gone straight in the tank. WHAT do I need to do to achieve depth with this thing?? If I just crank the sensitivity to the level of instability, it just lights up anything and everything, it’s completely incoherent. Its become just a bunch of high squeaks and essentially unintelligible noise, which inevitably leads to absolutely nothing productive. Please help me see what others are apparently seeing! Are ALL of my sites just that smoked?