Ray Hogan
Okay, you're on an old site with potential for deep silver. You're sloooowwly covering ground when suddenly you hear a faint, somewhat mid-like tone with the Sov, that is repeatable. You carefully center the target...and the tone is trying to climb. You dig out a six-inch deep and six-diameter plug. Recheck the target and you no longer get a signal with the coil...check it with the S-1 probe and still no signal...and nothing in the plug you cut out. What do you do next? I would like to think "dig deeper"...but what would you experienced guys do? Couldn't the target be deeper and since you've created an air space between it and the coil, and since you can't get any closer without widening the hole, the coil can't get it. And it's still too deep for the probe to get. Is that possible? Thanks, Ray.