I went out yesterday to a private old beach area that has some adjacent dirt areas as well. I initially hit it with my CZ-70 last year. The very first coin I dug was a '42 Merc then came numerous war nickels and a ton of wheaties-virgin territory. After I dug all the 1 -5 inch coins, I started to listen for the deeper ones. I dug wheatie after wheatie in this dirt/sand mix up to 6 inches. I then decided to try the EXII today on the 00-29, 02-29, 03-39, etc-like signals that were more than 6 inches deep. Hunting slow, the digital display would consistently read like this with repeatable high tones. The 1-4 inch coins were easy to dig and find but the 6 or more inch coins which were all over, were a B---- to find without a probe even after pinpointing right on...I never seemed to have this problem with the "70" but it is a different machine...this illustrates the necessity on the Sunray probe in particular for sites like this...beach, park, or old sites without having to dig a crater <img src="/metal/html/wink.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="">...my next purchase REAL soon...HH