I have a possible "interesting" site..that may be 50 by 350 feet,,Everything else covered by civilization.Checked it out, grass matted to about ten inches deep..Went to another site that had the same conditions, got the Vaquero out, and then the 1266, and did some grass pushing on all metal....Very pleased with both detectors getting down. Slow work...One quarter ,2 cents, two dimes, and several pieces of iron pipe sections...One of the dimes a dark silver 1954.Both detectors were hitting in the seven to nine inch range between air gap and soil....Am thinking the Spring should have that grass compacted if we get any snow..I'll need depth to hit what is in the ground..Even thinking about buying a gas powered weed whacker.I almost went out to another early site this past Spring....By the time I was able to, all grown over..That one is also on the list. Any advice on working very early overgrown now sites? By the way, am in luck, there are rest rooms in easy "hurry" distance..That is a major problem out of the way........Cordially Nad