Relic mode, open screen. You will need to play with the gain, maybe leave it at stock setting which I think is around 25 but not sure if you have bad ground.
Try leaving in auto GB and the machine to determine ground settings and if you find that is not working go to manual.
I don't have bad ground here but have been told ground coin works well in bad soil.
You will need to play with tone modes as well, I would not use any ferrous mode, if the ground it bad is will constantly sound off like iron, at least that is what happened with the explorer in FE mode.
Manual sensitivity will tell you a lot start with stock settings and if noisy go down until it is smooth of you get an occasional blip which puts you right on the edge of unstable and the deepest you can run in that ground.
If smooth increase until it gets choppy and back off until you get the same blip on occasion or if that bothers you until it is smooth.
You can also try Auto sensitivity, in good ground manual is always best IMHO but you will be the best judge of that under your exact conditons.
OH, be sure to noise cancel frequently especially when you change modes
Here I have settled on 50 conductive tones so I don't miss anything and once I get a reading look at the cursor, numbers and/or switch screens where I believe there is just a tad of iron disc.
I not an expert with bad soil for sure but have a feeling any disc will hurt you in depth and/or ID. Good luck and let us know how you do.