Love them Mercs, regardless of how many I've dug before or how worn they sometimes are.
They'll always put a big grin on my face. In fact, I went out and bought an Alan Jackson album that had that song "Mercury Blues" on it, even though I am not usually a Country music listener. I had to have the CD because of the line he sings about, "Crazy 'bout a Mercury". The song was popular during my most active diggin' days, and I always played it on the jukebox in the restaurant where I worked at the time.
Besides, your Mercury doesn't look "worn out" in the picture. Worn, yeah, but not "out". If you can read the date and the mintmark, it ain't worn-out! I have some that I can only guess at the mintmark (if there was any), since that part of the rim is totally worn slick! Have some nice ones, too, of course.
Yep, I'm crazy 'bout a Mercury. Found a 1936 in my grandmother's silverware drawer on Thanksgiving Day of 1976, and that started me coin collecting. I've still got that coin today. You might say it was a sign of things to come.