Hit the spot where I found some pink ladies boots about a month ago. I got some coins and some interesting finds today. I kept the 6.5" x 9" concentric coil on the AT MAX
I dug up an old shaving razer. Nothing special I figured, until I got home and researched it a bit. Wow! It's old......patented in 1905, and shown in a magazine ad in 1919. Cool!
Here's that ad, taken from the "The Detroit News" December 2, 1919.
I also found a WWI Military Button and a 1947 penny with a tiny maple leaf beside the date. They were specially marked, as they were actually made in 1948.
And.....a few weeks back, I dug up a shoe, with a nice buckle on it. Today I dug up the other shoe. Here are both buckles.