snowr is starting to melt and about 6" of frost went out in the drivway whear the sun shines so i took the outlawr and ground balanced it and switched to no motion and started scaning I had to press retune a few times, the threshold seemed to keep increasing on me . but after awile it was stable . I new if it was slightly negitive because if i lifted the coal off the ground i would get some humm, but anyway it makes some big sounds on any metal even small 22 sluggs can be a bit tricky to pinpoint when not detuned a bit you cant get close to big metal it will start humming from 3 ft away , no doubt the threshold all metal is able to get closer to metal but this is still a cool mode to search in and will find any big metal down in the ground I was able to foloww a buried copper gas pipe good for relick hunting , I think if the spot was littered with nails you would have to turn down the tuning to get those sharper hits and clean out in levels Nice to have the No motion card in the deck it just may win the game for me somday.