With all this talk about new detectors, I decided to switch up my routine. I changed the settings on my trusty, old, GTI 2500. New tone. Treasure talk off. New program. Hit one of those one time a year sites John wrote about. Pretty close to home base. Unlike that lucky duck John, I didn't find gold. I'll confess here, I was skiving off work, and I'm skiving off now posting. (Is it really skiving if a guy says I'll pay you X to do Y and it has to be done today, as long as I complete the job by 4 pm? I feel like I am?) Anyway with my GTI 2500 making all sorts of new sounds I found 84 coins in 75 minutes. That is a lot of coins. One overload signal was a spill of about 25 coins so that was 25 coins in about 2 minutes. At some point, a fellow detectorist came over to chat for about 30 seconds. He then sat and watched me from his truck, and before he left, he walked over and said here's something for luck. He dropped that musket ball in my hand. I said thanks and we exchanged names. I told him that I'd add his find to my brag book. I actually did get lucky afterward and found two wheats and a silver dime. Now I need another diversion. Maybe I'll just go back to work. I'm kidding, I'm kidding!