Thats an impressive junk shot dude!...
Like you said, that represents a huge amount of effort, that can only be fully appreciated by anyone that has duplicated that amount of targets...for that, you are applauded!
Regarding pain, my football coach used to say, "If it hurts, its good for you"..I dont know about that, looking back, as far as I can tell, he was a sadist!.
As a fellow ages, I figure if you wake up some morning and are NOT hurting, you probably died in your sleep!
(my heart and left arm hurt something turrible this am, couldnt hardly log on and type! I figured I'd go and die at the beach at sun-up swinging coil at the very end, doing what I love, so I drove on over there taking shallow breaths and driving with my right arm, (left arm paralyzed, made it hard to smoke)...unfortunately, it didnt happen as planned!, so now I'm home and have been given orders to stain the deck!
Theres worse things in Life than pain and a bad coil, or dead batteries on a good day.....just the thought of that gives me the shivvers! .
I must have passed that clot walking sand this am, for I now feel great! Or maybe the alcohol thinned it out? I stopped and got a boilermaker for breakfast at Tipseys, either way, something worked! If someday a 'Mrs Mudpuppy' logs on here with news of my demise, I sure hope she can give a good account of me and let y'all know I went out swinging coil for the bleachers, and not from dying in the crapper or cleaning the gutters moaning like a little girl!!...Heck, even keeling over in a totlot is better than that!