I got the urge to go metal detecting, this afternoon, so drove about 15 miles to a small town to check out it's HS foodball field. Normally, they keep it locked up when school is not in session but I got lucky and the gate was open. I pulled in and got out my Garrett 2500 GTI detector and proceeded to hunt around the perimeter of the field and around the refreshment stand, etc. I couldn't walk three feet before I had to dig coins and they, mostly, were quarters. In three hours I dug up 54 clad quarters, a 1943 Washington quarter, a "no date" standing liberty quarter, 20 clad dimes, 2 nickles, and 20 memorial cents. It started to get dark enough that I couldn't see what I was digging or my finds would have been greater. I'll have to go back another weekend, if the gate is open. Not bad for three hours hunting.[attachment 41758 06-11-26AbingdonHS.jpg]