The last time I used my V3i detector was July 4th. It has rained a drop and it has been hot. The ground is hard and I really can't dig in public places. I don't want to damage lawns.
Well I was going to fool around in the field near my house and was going to use my other detector. The battery was run down from sitting. So I checked the V and the battery was reading 11.7v. As I said the last time I used it was over the 4th weekend for 6 hours. I thought it was cool, 6 hours use and sitting for 10 days and the battery had more voltage than my NIMH pack charge to. I do like these Li ION batteries.
Well I was going to fool around in the field near my house and was going to use my other detector. The battery was run down from sitting. So I checked the V and the battery was reading 11.7v. As I said the last time I used it was over the 4th weekend for 6 hours. I thought it was cool, 6 hours use and sitting for 10 days and the battery had more voltage than my NIMH pack charge to. I do like these Li ION batteries.