I just wish I could have given a BETTER video of an actual find, but I was shooting that by myself, and had only 2 hands...lol....I will try to do a better video in the future...To answer the questions above, I get those low tones for a number of reasons...Brand new batteries do this sometimes, until they are run for about 10-15 minutes (may be me, but it seems that way). I had just changed them before going to shoot the video. My Backyard is littered with aluminum siding from the lousy job they did on cleanup when they did this place...Might have actually been picking up a large buried piece. The machine just came from inside to outside...my flat is kept at a cool 68 degrees, and it was almost 75 outside, so temp difference could have been causing it...The biggest culprit of this phenomenon is swing speed and height off the ground...Each detector has it's "SWEET SWING", that is they all prefer a different swing speed and height off the turf...if you change this up too much, sometimes you get low or even high tones at the ends of your swings...It is a matter of letting the detector adjust to temp changes, new battery syndrome, and keeping your swing at the right speed and height...So many factors can effect if the detector produces a tone...Remember, the machine is sending out a constant cone of electromagnetic field....if you shift it from going straight down into the ground, it bounces back to the receiver coil on angles, and this can cause false signals...Temperature causes electronics to vary their values slightly, and sometimes this is all it takes to produce signals from the detector...New batteries may be actually higher than the required voltage, and this also can cause the electronics to act erratically for a time...dead or dying batteries on the other hand can cause even more problems...
Hope this helps a bit...