you have to make sure your pictures are as small as you can get them, bit wise. On your computer right click them. Go to Properties and see how big the are. If they are over 30k or so they are a little large.
Take them into a photo program and resize them. Physicaly they don't need to be much over 3+4 or something like that. There should be some way to save them for the web which lowers the bit size. They could be up to 3 or 4 megs which takes an hour to load. That is no good.
When you get it the way you want it Click on "UPLOAD YOUR PICTURE" that will take you to a page with a link "OPEN UPLOADER" Click on it
You now get a page with a box CLick on "BROWSE"
This takes you to your computer. Now you hunt for your picture. When you find it highlight it and click on "OPEN"
This will put the picture addy in the box. Click on Preview to see that you have what you think you have and if it is, click on "USE IT"
Now the new address to the picture is in the box.
Right click on the addy in the box and click on "COPY" Now you have it.
Go back to the forum and click on new post and make your post. At the bottom there is a box-"OPTIONAL IMAGE URL"
Highlight the http:// thing and right click on it. click on Paste and you got it.
The thing to do next is to click on the "PREVIEW" at the bottom. This will let you know if you did it right without us having to look at a post that is no good. If your picture looks good, click on Post Message and you got it-- <IMG SRC="/forums/images/biggrin.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
Good luck