What we are doing here is manually ground balancing the V3 with a technique similar to the older units that had a dial for manual ground balance.
In most cases, using the GB procedure in the manual should work very well, in autotrac or tracloc.
Using the older styled GB control, we would find a clear spot of ground and pull the Pinpoint button and lower the coil to the ground from about waist high. If the threshold become louder as the coil approched the ground, we would consider this TOO POSITIVE and turn the control to the negative side usually to the left and then release and pull the trigger or push the button and lower the coil again and listen to the threshold. If the threshold still increased we would turn the control a little more to the negative side in hopes of getting the threshold to be only slightly positive as the coil approached the ground. This was manual GB as we knew it years ago.
IF you wanted to take control and be responsible for your OWN GB settings, you can accomplish this as Mike indicated in his post above.
What we are doing is this....
in the tracking live control window we are setting the tracking to LOCTRAC and then move the cursor to the OFFSET column.
Now, raise the coil off the ground (while over an area with no metal) and pull the pinpoint trigger and keep it held and lower the coil to the ground while listening to the threshold. (Hopefully your V3 is set to hear the threshold.)
Now you make an observation on what your heard. Did the threshold increase? Decrease or stay the same?
Optimum GB is when the threshold does not change much as you lower or raise the coil to the ground while continuously holding the PINPOINT BUTTON..
IF the threhold stayed about the same, you are most likely set to a near perfect GB.
IF the threshold went quiet on you, this means the V is currently set too negative and you need to raise the offset #s while bobbing the coil in hopes of achieving no change in tone.
If the threshold increased, the V is set too positive and needs to be set in the other direction towards a negative #.
This can all be done while holding the pinpoint and pressing the appropriate up or down offset button till you achieve the GB of your choice.
As you can see, some folks will think this is too cumbersome and simply go back to the method explained in the manual.
Others, who want and understand what true manual GB is and what it can accomplish will use this method.
Both methods, meaning the method in the owners manual and THIS method work, its simply a choice is all.
Hope I got this written clearly for all to follow along.