New member
hello all, i have a few jewels in my bag to share with you. some hunt alone, some dont. its not for everybody. i do it mostly to avoid a plethora of problems inherent to our hobby. i do all of my own research - because im the one looking to gain the goodies, right? i have recieved bad information in the past both purposely and not. a good and understanding mate is key, as is a good cellphone. im really fortunate in that area. she understands my harmless addiction and cant wait to get rid of me come the weekends!!! if im hunting woods i pack my 9mm [wild dogs,rabid foxes,poisonous snakes,etc.] one or two people will know where im at so hopefully if things go south on me the rescue workers will find me before the vultures do. there are no jealousy/or i will just sneak in here and hunt the place behind your back issues either. i really enjoy detecting and am not about to let other people take advantage of my hard work,been there and done that. those of you who have hunt partners and are happy with the arrangement, im happy for you both. i always take extra batteries, water, and candy bars. i will start at a certain point on my mental map grid and stick with a tight search pattern. it takes a lot of patience and discipline, and most of all practice. travel light. no room in the bag for obvious junk either. it tends to be a lot quieter in general when you hunt alone too. ive always experienced an enhanced feeling of accomplishment when i do all of my own legwork and discover finds commensurate with that anyway. i truly believe its been one of the hallmarks of my success - hunting alone. thanks for reading, and hh.