To methodically cover a area on some of my prime sites i use a similar gridding setup but instead of string i use high viz cones that are used for football practice,they can be stacked on top of one another,when i arrive on say one of my roman sites i will then place a line of 10 cones like each one of your lines of string then when i have finished a couple of runs i move a set of cones over.It basically works exactly the same as your setup.
I do have 2 bright yellow builders lines on small poles that i can also use which is exactly the same as yours but its personal choice i guess on which set too use,of course if its a totally new site then i do a quick 'union jack' flag sweep of the site to try and locate some possible hotspots,then mentally note them and then revert too the cone or long line method,on a really productive site i can start off with a smaller coil so that i can clear the top finds and trash and then gradually use a bigger coil so that it reduces the possible target masking that could happen if i go straight in with a large coil.It time consuming for sure but you certainly dont miss any decent finds that i am after,also once the iron and bad targets are out the way then the Pulse comes out to play for the final deep detecting session.
If the farmer/landowner then deep ploughs which can be say every 3-5 years then the plough will possibly bring up other deep finds and then the whole procedure can and often starts again,but by being so methodical you hardly miss anything.