I'm brand new to metal detecting and have been reading these and other forums (this one is the best btw). I would like to learn more about documenting your finds. I understand that one of the stigmas against MD'ing is we are viewed as pillagers of historic artifacts. That isn't my intention at all. If I make a find that I think is of historic interest I will be glad to donate it to the local historical society. Is there some information somewhere that gives the correct procedure for documenting your finds? What kind of photos to take? What measurements to make? GPS coordinates?
What do you veterans of this hobby do, dig and don't worry about it? Or do you follow some procedure? How do you determine what should be documented? I don't want to log every pull tab I recover either lol.
Thank you for your help with this.
OMG, I just noticed it's snowing again! I got to get out of this frozen wasteland (Maine)!
What do you veterans of this hobby do, dig and don't worry about it? Or do you follow some procedure? How do you determine what should be documented? I don't want to log every pull tab I recover either lol.
Thank you for your help with this.
OMG, I just noticed it's snowing again! I got to get out of this frozen wasteland (Maine)!