I went and read your posts. Looks like you are hunting with a bounty hunter pioneer 202 and have been having problems with false signals.
Salt water beach or fresh water beach? If salt water beach stay in the dry sand with the pioneer 202; it will very likely false pretty badly over the wet salt sand areas.
I'd make sure that you are not in notch mode and start with the sensitivity set at the 3 o'clock position. Find some dry sand where the detector is saying there are no targets. Take some coins with you and bury them in that area in the dry sand where you were not getting targets. Gently push the coins down about 2 inches where you know they are. Space the coins out with so that there is at least a foot between them. Mark them with a stick or straw or something not metal to make sure you know where they are. Practice sweeping over the coins to see if you are getting responses that you will dig. If you are not getting good signals, set it up in all metal and see if you get the targets. Read the manual and work through the settings over the known targets.
When you know that the detector is telling you correct information, collect your known targets and then go hunting for what the beach may hold. Try just above the high water line where towels may get picked up in a hurry. Try high up on the beach away from the water where sometimes it does not get hunted as hard. Look where people walk onto the beach and try to cover the high traffic areas. See what you turn up.
Good luck and let us know how you do.