Started working the farm with some nice 1800 old home sites. My first find was this spoon. On the ID Edge it comes up +21 which indicates it is copper. Appears to be copper since rubbing off some dirt shows the green oxide and some dull copper color.
My neighbor says he will bet a nickle that it is a small flour scoop rather than a spoon. Was there any specific time period in that the people used copper house hold items?
Any ideas on the age or what this is will be appreciates since I am a newbie to coin/relic hunting. If it is old, then it may be a good indicator of a good site to keep hunting. I found it about 20 yards back from the stone fireplace, which is all that remains of the old home site. The home site dates back to early 1800's. It was about 4" deep.
Thanks for any help.
My neighbor says he will bet a nickle that it is a small flour scoop rather than a spoon. Was there any specific time period in that the people used copper house hold items?
Any ideas on the age or what this is will be appreciates since I am a newbie to coin/relic hunting. If it is old, then it may be a good indicator of a good site to keep hunting. I found it about 20 yards back from the stone fireplace, which is all that remains of the old home site. The home site dates back to early 1800's. It was about 4" deep.
Thanks for any help.