All and all I 'd say the auto ground balance seems to work seamlessly. ML is very secretive about their auto ground balance which is, from what I read, MAYBE tied in also with the noise cancel function in mysterious ways .I don't know if the harmonics effect how the machine reacts to the ground mineralization, after all you noise cancel with the coil a foot off the ground, so I don't see the relation there. However, when the soil gets saturated during extremely wet periods and the machine starts falsing like a lying, cheating ex-wife/hooker, one has to pause and wonder if there would be a benefit of a manual ground balance option??? Or maybe at least a way of setting the tracking slower or faster like their GP machines. Because if the ground balance is truly automatic, isn't it tracking at a fixed speed? Ever rub out a likely target and wonder if the machine tracked it out? I know I have. Many who have older Explorers would complain of that as well, but they seem to have improved that on the SE version. In extreme areas, I think a manual ground balance function would be useful. Just like at certain times auto sensitivity can be useful. I guess for a newbie, the more auto the machine is the better, but for allot of guys like myself, the option of squeezing another drop out of the machine's performance to function better in a specific situation would be cool. Don't get me wrong, the options on the SE are awesome, but a part of me will always wonder if I could set or play with the ground balance setting manually, could I maybe find more or get another inch deeper on ID and turn a couple of those iron grunts into a few more silver coins???
Anybody else ever wish that?