Yes, I've caught quite a few Snot otters in the past 50+yrs on this Planet dinking about in creeks....I generally catch them and let them a days, I dont even bother catching them..just to see them is a treat enough....this particular subject in my avatar photo was an average adult 'pup...and I had my newfangled cell phone camera and happened to get a nice shot....They do Ok In an aquarium if you keep the water very cool and flowing, although they are not really happy...they are not what you would call a good critter to keep in a tank, they really need to just geezle around in natural wild mud rooting for bugs and larvae and minding their own business ...
In a tank, they will hide under any structure and you will never see them anyway...
..Mudpuppies are not an exciting pet compared to having a big Pirahna or even a mid sized Oscar in a 20 gal tank, plopping in a feeder goldfish, putting on the Doors and switching on a black light, perhaps even a small slowly spinning disco ball employed for an added trippy ambiance, even a lava lamp works, smoking a great big Maui fantoozler the size of an Iowa corn cob whilst reclining in a bean bag chair..... or so I've heard from some college kids I knew back in the day!...I guess thats the bomb!
I dont know nothing about that...shrug:..I prefer cold liquids, just like the 'Puppies....they do not do well in civilized and polluted hot smoky environments...strange thing is,....lots of fishermen my age hate them and kill them on sight on account of they have an undeserved mythological reputation of being a 'fish egg eater'...I am not convinced that dubious observation is fact, I doubt thats the case at all...they do have a wide mouth and will bite, not hard mind you, not even as hard as a pubescent bullhead can deliver, and never hard enough to draw blood!....not hard enough to worth a mention actually...
..but to most Humanoids, mudpuppies look turdish, ugly, and scarey...hence the choice for my handle..which is fitting on all counts...(no game, turdish looking, ugly, bites, scarey, and eats fish eggs)
... Put that profile up on '' and see how many takers you get!.
So me and 'snot otters' are buds...same with toads and turtles...We have zero game, no prize to look at, under the radar, just doing what we do to get by...I just wish they maybe had a dollar to buy me a beer every once in a while...what can a guy expect I suppose? Snototters, toads and turtles dont have any pockets!...