also land hunt with your Excal? I have an E-Trac and and Se Pro, but there are times when I just like to hunt a land spot with my Excal. Sometimes I prefer a "tones-only, less-technology" approach. I love my other machines, don't get me wrong, but when I want a simple hunt, without all the bells and whistles, I really enjoy taking my Excal out to a park once in a while. Am I the only one that feels this way or are others of you having good luck with your Excals on land as well? I seem to never come home empty-handed with my Excal and it doesn't cause me to scratch my head nearly as much as my other machines do on "iffy" signals. The Excal is just so simple and straight-forward. Once you understand it's language, I can't seem to find an easier machine to "cherry-pick" with. HH -Marc