diggervance said:
Hello all,
Today will be 9 weeks that I sent my E trac into Kellyco to get fixed. So well that has been in the shop I have been using my XS.
I guess I have forgot what a great detector this really is. The depth of the finds still amazes me.
Been hunting a hunted school the last two hunts and have pulled
2 buffs 16,18
36 merc in a hole with a nail
12 d v nickel
3 tokens dating back to the late 1800
and wheat pennies dating back to 1909.
The depths of these coins are at 8 1/2 to 10 inches and this is no joke with the stock coil.
I will post pictures this weekend there is a picture on the e trac forum .
Makes me wonder why I have ever given up on this detector.
Hey diggervance, it doesn't surprise me at all.
My XS can easily hit a 10" wheatie with the stock coil. I still use my XS along with my SE Pro.
When I'm swinging the XS, when I hear that deepie, it is such a sweet sound. It is more of a
hushed sound but once you hear it you never forget it. I'm sure if I upped my gain way past 7 it would be a lot more pronounced.
It is still reporting a hit on the smart screen but, like I say, it is a very sweet, hushed kind of tone. It's not a bell like tone at all.
If I had to sell all my detectors and keep only one, believe it or not, I'd keep the XS.
I have yet to hear a real deepie with the SE Pro. But if I did, I'd know it was a good thing to dig.
I first started detecting using the XS when they first came out.
I was at a park and just wondered what that hushed sound was, so I dug it. To my surprise it was a deep wheat. From them on,
in that park, I dug many many deep wheats.