I don't know if I've EVER heard of one being found? I work with a guy that has specialized in them for years and he has pretty much sold off his less than "advanced skill level" examples.... what he has left is absolutely amazing! It's kinda funny but I asked him yesterday what separated tho ho hum stuff from the excellent. It's seems to be not only the artistic style but also the amount of labor in physically moving the metal to where they wanted it (and then execution of design). Those types took DAYS to complete!
My grandmother showed me a large fistful she had traded with the hobos for food and temporary lodging. I have no idea what ever happened to those and what a shame. The family farm was next to a major rail system and once it was learned that grandma was up for trading...she was deluged with hobos and had to put a stop to it! (She did develop a couple of friendships with some of these folks and told them that they were the exception though.)
One spring, my grandmother came to visit us to help put our garden in. It was a magical time for our whole family and at the end of her visit, my mother came up to me and asked "Would you like to go back to Wyoming with Grandma and spend the summer?" And...by TRAIN!! The magic continued!!! It was May of 1963 and the departure depot was in the old town of Noxon Montana. This place was totally a throw back to the Old West and I can remember that station and platform like it was yesterday! That summer was a dream come true. To this day, I frequently think back to that summer of my 4th year! The magic of the train trip, her stories, the hobo nickels,the farm and grandma's love and generosity are inseparable from the memories (of this 50 year old!).
For Christmas.... all I wanted was a train set! I am eternally grateful to Mom and Dad, for seeing to it that a train... was circling the tree that day!!! Remember envisioning those hobos making that bunch of cool nickels in that little train set too! Oh...to still have the "one" nickel grandma place in my little hand! (I do have a few and... I'll never part with those!)
kuletool, Thanks for the excuse to travel back in time. I was 4 years old again... for awhile today!!!!