I have received several PM asking me how I grid hunt an open field for CW relics. I have never liked wandering when swing my detector. Just think you might pass within 3' of great relic and never know it. Tuesday was a beautiful day in Virginia so I decided I would again search the area of the Cloyde Mountain Battlefield. The area I worked is on private property, which I have permission to search
I have 4 4' fiberglass rods. I place one rod in the ground and mark it with orange spray paint. I then measure off 18' and place the second rod. This is repeated until all corners are marked. I then measure 3' and mark ground with orange paint. This is repeated every 3'. Thus in a 18' square I have 6 search lanes 3' wide. I can swing a 4' radius however I reduce my lanes to 3' thus making sure I cover every inch. Once I have completed searching this area I simply pick up two of the corner post and advance them another 18', remark my search lanes and I'm off again.
The orange outdoor spray paint holds up real well so when I go back in a couple of days I know where I ended my previous search. Whether you are searching for CW relics or coins in an open this field this method works well.
I have 4 4' fiberglass rods. I place one rod in the ground and mark it with orange spray paint. I then measure off 18' and place the second rod. This is repeated until all corners are marked. I then measure 3' and mark ground with orange paint. This is repeated every 3'. Thus in a 18' square I have 6 search lanes 3' wide. I can swing a 4' radius however I reduce my lanes to 3' thus making sure I cover every inch. Once I have completed searching this area I simply pick up two of the corner post and advance them another 18', remark my search lanes and I'm off again.
The orange outdoor spray paint holds up real well so when I go back in a couple of days I know where I ended my previous search. Whether you are searching for CW relics or coins in an open this field this method works well.