I knew the 705 would offer a backlight, Tracking GB offset, a fourth pattern and the additional Sizing Pinpoint. So I bought a new 705 to make legitimate comparisons. I have thousands of hours on the X-70. And only about a dozen on the 705. So, as they say, the
jury is still out, to a certain degree. What I have determined so far is that there is no difference in the depth, sensitivity or stability. I don't hunt at night, so the backlight is not a feature that I would use. I seldom (never) hunt in Patterns, so adding the fourth is no big deal to me. Even if I did use Patterns, as easy as it is to tweak any of the other three, adding a fourth is just more of the same I've tried to make myself use the Sizing Pinpoint. But catch myself using the 705's Prospecting mode for sizing and Pinpointing, just like I do on my X-70. The 705's Sizing PP works well. And I like it better than the X-70's Pinpoint feature. But these old ears have gotten use to sizing up targets with the high pitched Prospecting mode. Learning the nuances of the lower pitched Sizing PP mode will take some time. Frankly, I don't use Pinpoint to locate the target. I can do that manuvering the coil.
So that leaves the Tracking GB Offset.......I made a conscious effort to monitor the effects of tracking GB offset all weekend. I was hoping that by setting it at a -3, I could maintain a bit of chatter as I swept across the field. On my X-70, I like to auto GB, confirm the setting manually, then set it a few points positive (lower number). Unfortunately, whether I set it with negative numbers or positive numbers, I couldn't determine that it tracked "hotter" or provided a more accurate TID. It could be because the sites that I hunted were littered with nails and bits of small iron. Or it might be that the X-terra is so fast adjusting to the ground phase changes that it is a non-issue.
Regardless, so far, I have not found the 705 to be a better tool for me than the X-70. Every bit as good. But not any better for my style of hunting. It is new and has a three year warranty. But honestly, if you placed a paper sack over both of them, I couldn't tell them apart in the field. But that ain't a bad thing. As well as I like the X-70, to have another model "fill it's shoes" is remarkable. So now comes the part where I have to eat my words....... I always said I didn't think I'd find another detector that I liked as well as the X-70. Well I was wrong! I have found one in the 705. Is it any better? In my opinion, not for the type of hunting I do. But you have to keep in mind that I REALLY - REALLY like my X-70 and have become quite familiar with the functionality if offers. Is the 705 just as good? Every bit!!! And with more features for those who might use them. JMHO HH Randy