I did a little "beeping", no digging, and the detectors were saying DIG Here, GOLD !!!!! No meter,just sound. Several of the signals vanished in the gold range and were within an inch of the surface where the soccer kids and Moms would have parked...Ground frozen,no digging tool, also,, COLD.............But, you can bet your last Bippie,I was thinking that a quarter and someone breathing on the ground might dig something up..Even went by a spot where two men's rings were lost in an island...Really kicking my hind end that I didn't remember them when there was warmth and ground not frozen,,That is stupid with a capital S...And, with me chomping at the bit, you know this is going to be a cold Lonnngggg. Winter and a late Spring...I know my Tesoros work in the twenties.I had a Fisher 1265, that I sloshed in a lake in North Dakota one Winter......Got a silver ring. ..Recovery was an absolute mistake.Hand time in water was to scoop bottom ,see ring, pick up ring..And for the next half hour, my hand felt like it had been hit with a hammer,,,That is why I totally stay away from water and ice in the Winter........cordially Nad