It is quite possible that not only the cam lock is stripped, but also the the lower rod is worn where the button in the camlock contacts it. Remove your lower rod and check it for wear. If you want to remove the cam lock, this is how. If you look closely at the cam lock, you will see a seam where the top ring is glued to the main body. The ring is located at the handle end of the cam lock, let's call it the top. Insert a sharp, thin knife blade into this seam and work the blade as to seperate the ring from the body. It is glued with a type of super glue. Once you have the ring seperated, you will see that there are 3 pieces. The top ring, the body, and the button. You can buy a new cam lock from your Minelab dealer or directly from Minelab. These cam locks usually dont stand up very well and are easily stripped by over tightening. Should you want to install a new one, remember, the little "tit" on the button goes towards the top. Put the ring on the shaft, install the button into the large hole,tit facing to the top, then put the main body on the shaft. Put a couple drops of super glue on the ring/body mating surface, spread around the whole diameter with a toothpick, put the 2 pieces together and hold them together until the glue sets. Turn the assembly as it is drying to be sure that the button has not glued to the body because of excess glue. Try to hold the 2 pieces together for as long as you can to be sure of a good glue joint. That's it!