IKSDoomsday said:
Was kicked out of my local park today by the town guys. Said they would call the police if I killed any more of their grass. Been detecting for years never leave a mark...kinda made me mad so i asked them to point out any of the six dig sites that I had just come from...they could not find them. I also showed them the nails and other sharps that I had found and they said they would soon have signs up saying no metal detecting allowed lol.... Then they told me to make sure I do not detect anywhere in town. So I just drove around town asking permission from the nice folks around here and now have half the town to dig. Stopped by the sherriffs office just to check on any ordinance codes and laws and there was none on the books....think I just met a guy with a chip on his shoulder
dooms-daym, your post is quite "telling". For starters, you say yourself that you've been
"...detecting for years ...." (assuming in the same type zones/places as this current encounter?). And now all of the sudden, you have someone coming and telling you that you can't do that. That tells me your final sentence is the answer: ".....
think I just met a guy with a chip on his shoulder " In other words, instead of us md'rs thinking that such an encounter constitutes a new rule, or that they can no longer detect in a park or city, NO! On the contrary, it can often just mean you've met a singular guy (cop or gardener or whatever) who was having a bad day, or was responding to a singular call, or whatever. So I hate to say it, but sometimes you have to treat such things as "isolated incidents". Give that one spot a rest for awhile, and avoid that one lookie-lou in the future.
I can think of one city in CA (that has lots and lots of parks d/t it's a very big city), that .... over the years, several of us have had run-ins. But most other times, no problems (even right in front parks people who could care less). So if we are required to take "isolated incidents" and assume they mean some sort of issue we need to fight or get clarified, then that could back-fire. To waltz into city hall to fight it and get clarified, might just LEAD to specific rules or edicts or policies. You know, to simply bring an issue up for "pressing attention". So what we've done is to simply give lip service, and go to a different park. 6 months later, when I'm travelling back through that town, I've gone to the exact same parks, 20 more times, and never heard "boo" again.
Yes, I know this isn't ideal. And yes, it's not fun having to be a little discreet and hunt at lower traffic times. But heck, we have to realize we're in an odd-ball hobby that draws stares, and has connotations. You're simply never going to have red-carpets-rolled out for you, and have everyone always love it. So it's kind of like nose-picking: Not necessarily illegal, but for pete's sake, we all use a little discretion in our timing, so as not to offend the wrong persons.