Hi there USH
The E-Trac is the best pin-pointer of the series.
It ratchets just fine, and in a similar manner to others.
It is not the detector usually that is the problem, but rather the orientation of the target.
Any target whose largest surface area is not in the same plane as the search-head, will produce an 'off-set'.
That off-set can be as much the radius of the coil, for a coin sized target, if the coin is vertical in the soil.
Long pieces of metal are a nightmare, and 'sizing' pin-point is a valuable aid in such cases.
You can indeed swing your E-Trac 'faster', but that term is relative, and needs to be determined by each individual person.
Recovery in trash:-
Again, this is relative to the degree of trash density, sweep speed and E-Trac EXPERT settings, and whether the trash is ferrous.
Trash density HIGH helps improve recovery of numeric. Also the setting of display re-set time to ON.
SENSITIVITY TOO HIGH, IS THE BIGGEST ERROR for trashy situations.............Auto Sens can be a winner.
In tough situation forget about reliance on numbers....Dig by audio. All the words in the book can't compare to practice, listening and digging.
A lot of the newbies to the hobby have unrealistic expectations regarding a metal detector's ability to honestly sort through dense trash.
Definition of dense.....more than two targets in the search-heads 'field of view', at any given instance in time.....TheMarshall.
The picture illustrates how a vertical coin when pin-pointed, appears to be under the center of the search-head at position B.
In reality, it is off-set at A, which is a radius distance from the center.
[attachment 118918 pinpoint.jpg]