Hey Everyone! I was just responding to a topic and it made me think it would be interesting to see how everyone got their start as a metal detectorist. For me, my addiction started after seeing a movie called" The Deep" as a kid. Like all kids I was fascinated by the idea that people found treasure in the water. I had grown up on a barrier island around fisherman and divers, all of whom were gifted with the ability to tell outrageous stories, some involving, fish, others storms,and still others famous loose women, but my favorites were always the ones about treasure. Finding pirate treasure, confederate gold, or Batistas Treasure plane... It didn't matter. Floridas history it turned out was steeped in treasure lore. I was hooked. Throughout the years I read a lot about the history of my area and of my state. The funny thing is even though I am sure I saw detectorists on the beach, I had always kind of "tuned" them out.... It's kind of like buying a car. Once you get one you notice everyone else driving around in that model. I never made the connection. Then one day I saw an Internet story about a guy who returned a wonderfully large class ring. The article showed some of his other finds, one of which was a Silver Reale. That was it for me. I saved my pennies and bought my first machine (Thanks to the help of a lot of the senior posters). Then I started my "real" education on what hard work treasure hunting really is. Like all hunters in the beginning, I had no idea. I love it though, and if my body could take it, I would do it every day. Unlike the characters in the movies, ( and contrary to local opinion) I have not gotten rich doing it, but the part of me that longs to find treasure in the ocean is well satisfied by the sight of gold in the scoop. Thanks for reading and I hope you will share some of your own "lore".