I was at an old home site with the Pro yesterday and picked up a strong signal in the 80's. A can, I thought, it was too big for a coin. I dug down about 2 feet and found the flat top of a metal container. Hmmmm, wouldn't it be nice if I've found the old homeowner's stash! I widened the hole to about a foot but couldn't find the edges of the container so I took my shovel and jabbed at it. The shovel cut through and into nothing but space. I think it was a dry well made with a 55 gallon drum. So, the answer to the question, "How deep will the 8x11 coil detect?" It depends on the size of the target! If it's a 55 gallon drum, it'll go 2 feet easy and probably more!
HH! mac
HH! mac