that some of the very best targets are right in the middle of a fire ant nest??? -----I've had this happen more times than I can remember.--You are intently digging a target when all of a sudden you "notice" the things (fire ants) all over your arms, legs & feet.--Half of them looking for bare skin & the other half already found it & starting to "sting away".---Next is a lot of fast movements (on your part)-Jumping up (but quick), knocking them off your arms & legs and stomping your feet (not the happy dance)! ---But it does provide some great entertainment for any casually observing bystanders! ----Ain't no bug chasein me off my target--might be a Bust dime--never has been before but it might be this time!! -----How about it--any of you guys have this (or like) things happen?---Or am I the only nut in the fish bowl?? ----------Del