I use the Jimmy Sierra Deluxe Coin Apron. I've used it for many years. It has a mesh bottom that allows the loose sand and dirt to escape. It also has a large pouch that has a divider in it. One side for goodies, the other for junk. There is also a zippered front pocket for carrying extras such as batteries, pen/pencil, small notebook, keys, soapy water filled film container for special finds, etc. Comes with it's own web belt and is very light weight. I've also included a link.
I carry my Lesch digging tool in it's sheath on the web belt of the coin apron. I use this apron for coin hunting, relic hunting and water hunting.
Hope this helps,
<img src="http://www.findmall.com/gallery/albums/userpics/11031/pouch.jpg" alt="" />