Years ago, I bought a new old stock Compadre just for that purpose. Was too nice to chop up, so I sold it, and got a Silver UMax.. Wired the phones through the Otter box and sealed the lead wire. Purchased an 8 inch coil, that my post man never delivered, didn't go back for, and told many varying stories.. I think he is a walking wounded, so dropped the matter ...I tried it out at a spot that held great promise for both Indian artifacts and Civil War coins. Too slippery for a 75 year old curmudgeon to be there alone. I have a Vaquero and an 8 inch coil, which I would like to hard wire through the case. World of difference between a stock 9 by8, and the 8 inch flying saucer coil in the water.. 9 by 8 requires so much more effort. Since I don't really want to tie up the 8 inch concentric, I need to get someone to make me a cheater lead, in which the Vaquero coils could be tied in outside the box , and waterproofed there. Another trick is to take a snap together food storage box. Put the control box in it. Make a shoulder harness to hold it on your shoulder.. Only opening is for the coil wire. Use the speaker and it is easy to hear, even in some pretty noisy water. Actually the cheapest way to go. Looks like the last shot to water hunt will be next week (today 27 sept), and only to verify targets...That will be the trip that decides if I buy another Vaquero, or if the U/ W rig , less detector, goes up for trade. Jabbo was not interested for his Raritan River hunting..