1903 was the year the Springfield was patented. The model 1903 (or 03A3, some call them) was the longest standing military main battle rifle. It was used during WW1, the first part of WW2. Variants of it were used as sniper rifles in both the Korean and the first part of the Viet Nam War. It is still used today by precision drill teams because of its excellent balance. So for near 40 years this rifle has served its country with distinction finally being replace by the semi automatic M-1 Grand. The only rifle to surpass the "03" in military usage is the M-16 family of rifles, now going strong for more than 40+ years of military service.
Back in the '50's, you could go into most any hardware or department store and buy military surplus rifles, including the 03 Springfield, for $39.95 out of an old pickle barrel. In the '60's, they went up to about $69 to $99. Unfortunately, Lee Harvey Oswald purchased a surplus rifle that he killed President Kennedy with from Kline's Dept. Store. It was an old Italian military rifle that he paid $99 for.
Mine is the Remington version, M1903 modified rifle made in 1941. It was given to me by my father in law several years ago. He said he's fired it hundreds and hundreds of times, and he's also used it to take moose and bear in Alaska... who knows it's history before that? These rifles in unaltered condition are now worth around $600.00
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