That is so true UK Brian but where does one seperate the fact from fiction. Im not "weighing" in here with my thoughts or questioning results. I believe there are those such as yourself,Monte and several others that have given various detector equipment a thorough in field use with recorded results for your uses in your environment(s). But I dont think others have been as thorough MDers such as yourself, and "sometimes" you can read between the words and pick those out.
Like reading a metal detector review, many seem biased.
I guess in the end, one will have to purchase, the coil, and test drive it for theirselves.
Its always refreshing to read someone that has givien a thorough investigation into a particular piece of equipment and at the same time giving the conditions of the site they are using the equipment.
I recently purchased an XL Pro (used), downloaded the manual, read,and re read before the machine arrived. It came with an extra coil (8 inch) and this coil is what I placed on the machine to begin my education,however, I had problems from the beginning and I think the coil is broken. I had no problem with the 9.5 nor am I having problems with a new 5.3,I recently purchased. But, being new to the machine, I didnt know if it was my ignorance of the machine operation,machine defective or coil. I finally installed the 9.5 and machine seemed to become much more user friendly.
My point from the little story, do you think somtimes coils you may purchase,even new, may not be up to par? Is it possible, they could seem to operate but maybe at not their full potential?
And I have to say, biased can be good, so long as someone states upfront what works for them in their environment. At least you have something to refer to.
Thank you for your time,