Well today's hunt was was interesting. I started at a well picked through tot park and a football field. Dug a lot of trash but not very much coin.. so I went to the beach. Saw a water spout about 4 miles out and found a turtle egg on the beach. Scanning along the edge of the water I hit a big signal and finally dug out the pictured shovel using my 2 foot walmart shovel. It was down about a foot, but the mxt with the 12" coil nailed it. What I will do with it I do not know. Hit a few coins and next stop was the Lions Club. Off in the woods was a abandoned homeless site in a group of trees so went to town. Moved the blankets and pillow and out of the way. Found all the clad in the picture less a few beach quarters. Got tired of bending over so left the remainder of the stash for another day. Quarters were coming out 2 at a time. Who says the homeless do not have two nickels to rub together? No shame here in robbing a abandoned homeless camp in the woods. The little 5.3 Eclipse did me good today, but it has more work to do in the woods.. Have a good day...