I had a couple hours today to hit a new site. It is an 1868 school house. Things started out slow, and the owner said it has been searched 100 times before. I found some junk, and then some clad quarters, then finally a wheat. Then some more wheats. Then 5 wheats in one hole. Then I got a neat 43 Canada nickel with a 61 nickel and a play nickel in the same hole. Next I found another wheat. then I got what I figured might be another wheat or a smashed screw top. I dug my plug, scanned the hole with my probe. It was still in the hole. So I dug somemore dirt out, and this big old eagle was staring back at me! WOW!!! My first barber half dollar!!! YEEEE HAAAA!!!!
Wait a minute, there is another silver edge in the hole!! Holy Cow my 2nd Barber half dollar!!! Now I pick myself back up off the ground, and check the hole with my probe, BEEP BEEP! No Way!! Out pops a wheat cent, BEEP BEEP, then a Kalamazoo City Fare token!!! I also found two rusty gizmos in the hole. Thank you Lord for that great hole!! Before I left I found another wheat, and a silver 1957 Rosie! Man what a day!!!!!! 3 Different holes with multiple targets!
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Wait a minute, there is another silver edge in the hole!! Holy Cow my 2nd Barber half dollar!!! Now I pick myself back up off the ground, and check the hole with my probe, BEEP BEEP! No Way!! Out pops a wheat cent, BEEP BEEP, then a Kalamazoo City Fare token!!! I also found two rusty gizmos in the hole. Thank you Lord for that great hole!! Before I left I found another wheat, and a silver 1957 Rosie! Man what a day!!!!!! 3 Different holes with multiple targets!
[attachment 25301 DSC02425.JPG]
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