Well I bought an X-5 off the classified forum which I had he opportunity to test this evening. Most of the sites I am able to hunt are loaded with iron and junk. I have to say this coil has exceeded my expectations. My first deep find was a copper Lincoln penny next to iron which kept nulling but the penny chirped enough from 90 degree angles to know something was there and the depth meter was bottomed out. Pinpointing revealed a narrow deep target by the sound. When I dug down to where the penny was my pro-pointer was completely below ground level by at least 2 inches. Sensitivity was on manual 30 and the detector was very stable. I found another fairly deep copper Lincoln in the same manner. This play field appears to have a lot of fill dirt since the pennies were down just above an old gravel layer. Next was a near surface coin spill with 2 quarters, 3 pennies and a dime. All coins were easily separated and recovered quickly with the pro-pointer and a screwdriver. This may become my favorite coil. Can't wait to try the coil at the park where I found two gold rings a few weeks ago.