New member
Yesterday I went back to a productive site that I've hit multiple times from all sorts of directions etc. It's a hard place to hunt as the grass isn't kept and there's a few hundred mole hills but I figured if I really slowed down I could squeeze out a couple more. I put the 6" coil on (which I'm not a huge fan of because its painfully slow to cover ground with) and went slow being very meticulous. Found this stuff in a 5x10 spot that was overlooked because its a pain the ass to hunt. Found one or two wheats in other spots. earlier in the day I went back to another spot that we hit hard and I gave the 6" a go... Nothin. Notta. Zip. Zero. Zilch. I had high hopes too because this place was iron infested. Sooooo... I'm sure the six inch has its place and I plan on keeping it for ghost town hunting and things like that but I feel pretty confident that if I work an area using the stock coil as slow as I would have to with the 6" that I'll get it all. Like I said though its nice to have that six incher for separation and pinpointing. I dunno. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I haven't found a target yet that the 6" could find that the stock coil couldn't. Your thoughts.