Finally got out and did a bit of detecting this past weekend. Hit an old church ground, old fair ground and an old farmsite. Dug quite a few targets. But these are some of the better finds. IH cents, Shield nickel, Buffalo nickel, sterling ring, two old bands, watch fob, WRC badge, a couple seated dimes, a barber dime, a merc and what I thought was going to be a US large cent. One side of this large copper coin in between the dimes says, Banque Du Peuple across the top, Un Sou in the middle and Montreal at the bottom. On the other side it says Agriculture & Commerce at the top and Bas Canada across the bottom. I don't know if it is a privately minted large penny from the Banque of Montreal. Or if it would be considered a Canadian Hard Times token,circa 1837 -38. I've seen it referred to as both. I've attached a pic I found online that is a cleaner version of the one I found. Any additional information is appreciated. I was not sure what to expect when I dug up the old bell. Hoping for a jar of coins, but not this time! The bronze item to the right is part of a Woman's Relief Corp badge dated 1883. The Woman's Relief Corp was the auxilliary of the Grand Army of the Republic. Interestingly, I found a GAR badge just a couple years back. Not a valuable item. But interesting to me as I've not one I've found previously. The bull is a Bull Durham watch fob. Again, not a big deal. But fun to find stuff with dates and lettering. HH Randy
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