What kind of detecting do you want to do? Having a high end detector
is great but many times a low end will do you just as well depending on where your
hunting and that kind of hunting you want to do.
Are you interested in mainly coin hunting?
The Ace 250, a medium detector would do you well as its priced
VERY low. That was a market decision by Garrett to grab a bigger share of the market.
It worked quite well. Just recently Whites came out with a low priced detector to try
to recover some of the market.
The Ace is also good for relic hunting as well. Go to LostTreasure.com and read the
If your interested in hunting gold nuggets then The MXT would work VERY well, since its also
a coin and jewlery detector as well. You can find used one's from $300 to $500.
What kind of ground will you be hunting in. Many of the low end detectors are factory preset so
if you come across highly mineralized gground your stuck and will have to turn down your
sensitivity. Thats where a higher end machine will save you. The MXT is not factory preset and will allow
you to set ground balance and handle mineralized ground. There are also Double D coils that help you
cut through the mineralized stuff.
Whites V3 is a very souped up detector and in the hands of some experienced people will probably do
a great job, but if your just starting out, I wouldn't spend that kind of money. AND you may just end up
with an expensive detector sitting in your closet or garage.
Just because it's high end doesn't mean anything. Even a low end detector in the right hands will
bring great results.
You might want to go to the Garrett Forum and send John Edmonton a private email with your
question. He's a seasoned detectionist whos used a lot of different detectors. Also look for post by Monte on the Whites MXT forum.
He probably knows more about detectors than most people on the forums.
Good luck