My question is I traded my DFX for the v3,I think i got a good deal its only five months old.But its the 1.1 version is this ok????I like the detector it looks a little intimidating ,I hope that me having the DFX helps .The menu not to bad i ran threw it a little i think its best that i use the programs that came that it came with .Im using the 950 coil on it the detector came with a 4x6 shooter,When i use the 4x6 it was a little eratic so i put on the 950 and it quited down a lot,The one thing i did see write off it has better depth than my DFX not a lot but more thats for sure.Is there any thing that i should adjust in the coin and jewelry program?????Thanks guys for any help....GREG.... Its a very nice detector i just hope its for me!!!!!