....I am usually over on the christian Treasure hunters forum,had to drop by for THIS:I met some new friends this last weekend,went to their house.in Taylor,here in Michigan,......turns out the man that owns this house works for an underground utility Co,and came across all these TASTY BOTTLES,they found:all kinds of cork-stopper bottles,(Lavoris,Morris Drug Co,.Detroit),lots of old stopper top apothecary bottles,and these SWEETpaper-top milk bottles-Here is a list,sorry,no pics:.....".Detroit Creamery";Qt;pint,1/2 pint,all wording embossed into bottles.......1-1pint"Associated Milk Dealers,Inc.";embossed on bottle.....I think this next one is A RARE one:"Belle Isle Milk And Ice Cream";1-1pint,below "Belle Isle",a shield that has in it "Famous Jersey";then Detroit,Mi.";"BI"on bottom; ALL wording embossed into the bottle..........1-Qt."Rebels Creamery,River Rouge",on the bottom,a capital "R"..........and last; 1-1/2pint bottle,"Independent Creamery,Detroit"............Any ideas as to value??these folks are kind of eager to find out............