Well, I'm just sittin' by the computer with a nice big cup of coffee. The wind is howling outside with gusts up to 50 mph that's blowing the rain around pretty good. Supposed to get lots of rain today. It's a perfect day to be inside 
I've been really busy with work, school and church stuff. Work is... well, work. Not much of a change there. School has been pretty interesting. Got A's on my first test and my first paper which is pretty cool considering I haven't been to college in 30 years LOL. Church has be real good. We sold our building and will be using that money to get the land available near our new building. We have a small modern looking sanctuary that holds the offices too. The plan is to put up a bigger one that seats 500; eventually they want to get that to 1,000. Pretty exciting stuff.
For those that didn't see it, here's a link to our church web page. Down at the very bottom you can take a "virtual tour"
Haven't hunted much at all. Just haven't had a lot of time. I have to say that my machine is working great now that I cleaned all the connections. I could never run higher sensitivities without it going crazy. Now it runs great all the time. I'm looking forward to some winter hunting at the beach now that it actually works the way it should
Glad to see so many new people on the board! Welcome everybody!
I'll try to stop by a little more often... take care and God bless you all
I've been really busy with work, school and church stuff. Work is... well, work. Not much of a change there. School has been pretty interesting. Got A's on my first test and my first paper which is pretty cool considering I haven't been to college in 30 years LOL. Church has be real good. We sold our building and will be using that money to get the land available near our new building. We have a small modern looking sanctuary that holds the offices too. The plan is to put up a bigger one that seats 500; eventually they want to get that to 1,000. Pretty exciting stuff.
For those that didn't see it, here's a link to our church web page. Down at the very bottom you can take a "virtual tour"
Haven't hunted much at all. Just haven't had a lot of time. I have to say that my machine is working great now that I cleaned all the connections. I could never run higher sensitivities without it going crazy. Now it runs great all the time. I'm looking forward to some winter hunting at the beach now that it actually works the way it should
Glad to see so many new people on the board! Welcome everybody!
I'll try to stop by a little more often... take care and God bless you all