I hope everyone got out to do some diggin this past weekend. I got out for a while on sunday to the old foundation area. the area that i started sifting was still too wet to go through the sifter, so i got out the detector and hunckered down a bit.<img src="http://www.findmall.com/gallery/albums/userpics/13167/eb0213051.jpg" alt="" />
YEEEE HAAAA!!! found anouther USA button and anouther clipped silver. these two were in the best shape yet.1734 spanish one reale.
Can anyone I.D. the colonial copper?.
A great day to hunt, but when i came home , my daughter and son in law told me they spent the day at a gun show and they had pleanty of civil war relics . !@#$%^&*( OH WELL maby next time.
SEEYALLATER and HH.............................Ed
YEEEE HAAAA!!! found anouther USA button and anouther clipped silver. these two were in the best shape yet.1734 spanish one reale.
Can anyone I.D. the colonial copper?.
A great day to hunt, but when i came home , my daughter and son in law told me they spent the day at a gun show and they had pleanty of civil war relics . !@#$%^&*( OH WELL maby next time.
SEEYALLATER and HH.............................Ed